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new balance 850 A day in the life Life Traverse City Record This is a diary of our day on Friday, Sept. 3. Joe had a threeday work week, so he was home today and also was home yesterday. The children still are sleeping. We are letting them sleep a little longer this morning because this will be their last weekday morning home for awhile. and it was difficult to get her settled down to sleep. I don't like to go to bed until she is asleep when she is in this stage. Everyone is awake now and making breakfast. Verena still has not come out of her postconcussion stage. We are hoping that when she wakes up she will be her normal self again. With one eye on her, I gather the laundry and Loretta helps throw it down the vent to the basement. Ten minutes ago Verena snapped out of her postconcussion and is herself now; what a relief to us all. The girls are fixing a breakfast of eggs, fried potatoes, bacon, toast, cheese, tomatoes, orange juice and milk. Our neighbor lady comes to take Verena and me to Verena's doctor appointment. Verena has had a swollen thumb for more than a week now and Xrays show no break or fracture, but the doctor wants to check to see if it could have an infection in it. n Noon: Verena and I are back from the doctor, and we also stopped to pick up some groceries. Daughters Elizabeth, 16, and Susan, 14, did the laundry while I was gone, and it is drying very nicely. I don't know what I would do without their good help. Meanwhile, Joe and the boys were digging up our storage potatoes for winter use while Loretta washed the breakfast dishes and swept the floors. The whole family was busy while I was gone. I make a few homemade pizzas for lunch. Turns out Verena's thumb has an infection in it that the doctor thinks is from a small splinter or something. They put her thumb and finger in a splint, and she has to take an antibiotic for 10 days. Lunch is ready, and everyone is ready for a break. We bring in the laundry off the lines and fold it. Dishes from lunch also are being washed and put away. Joe and the boys are back outside digging potatoes and doing some tilling and mowing. I start preparing supper. Joe got the chicken wings out of the freezer that came from the chickens we had butchered. I kept all the wings separate in one bag so I could make homemade hot wings with them. I make one batch a little sweeter and one a little hotter as some of the children don't like them hot. Along with the hot wings, I also am making rigatoniandcheese casserole. Benjamin's teacher from last year brought us a dish of this and the recipe one day, and we really like it. Verena started with another one of her postconcussions. We are hoping this one will be short. She still can walk through these now but tires easily. She uses up all her energy, and when she is back to normal, she is worn out. Verena snaps back to normal. We waited a little longer to have supper thinking she might do that. Supper is on the table, and Elizabeth's special friend, Tim, joins us. Dishes are washed and some of the children are playing a board game called Aggravation. Joseph and Lovina are trying to teach Kevin how to play. I heard Lovina tell Kevin that you only need to be able to count to six to play Aggravation. Kevin had his fifth birthday yesterday. He said he wanted a brownie, so Susan made brownies, which was easy. Kevin felt so proud to be the one blowing out the candles this time. So hard to believe our youngest is starting school next week. With apples in season try this delicious recipe for homemade fried apples. 6 tart apples, sliced c. bacon drippings t. salt Dash nutmeg 1 t. lemon juice c. brown sugar 1 t. cinnamon In a large skillet melt bacon drippings over low heat. Pour sliced apples evenly over skillet bottom. Sprinkle lemon juice over them, then brown sugar and then salt. Cover and cook over low heat for 15 minutes or until apples are tender and juicy.